No Contracts. No Catch.

Vuvuhost wants to keep you as a customer because we are great at what we do. We don't believe in locking you into any sort of contract, use us because you want to. All hosting packages are month to month so you can cancel any time with no penalties. View Pricing

Simple Control Panel

Web hosting is no longer for techies. Our simple control panel gives you complete control over your hosting account. The control panel can be used to create email addresses, email forwarders and design your web site. Why not give our live demo a shot. View CPanel Demo

Personal Profile Pages

Vuvuhost specialises in hosting web pages for professionals and individuals who want to portray their image and profile online. We offer easy to use web site creator software free on every package that will assist you in creating your personalised website. No technical knowledge is required. If you are reading this web page, you can create your own website. Choose a Hosting Package

Domain Parking

Not ready to build a website but know what domain you want? Act now and register the domain you want before it's too late. Holding a domain without a website is called Domain Parking. Check if the domain you want is available, and if it is then let Vuvuhost keep it for you. Order Parking

Popular Blogs and Content Management Systems (CMS)

Vuvuhost supports all the popular blog and Content Management System (CMS) software platforms such as WordPress and Joomla. These are available on all packages that include a MySQL database. Whether you want to host a personal blog or a small Content Management System (CMS) Vuvuhost is the perfect choice. View Plans

Web Design

Vuvuhost offers a turnkey web hosting solution that includes web design and development. Let us know what you want from your website and we will propose the complete solution from software selection to database design, and professional graphics. You can rely on Vuvuhost to take care of all your web design needs. Web Design

Email Hosting

Use your domain effectively and customise your email addresses. Free online email addresses are good for personal use but don't add to to your professional image or look great on business cards. Choose Vuvuhost to host your email and you will be able to use our simple control panel to create email mailboxes and forwarders. View Plans

eCommerce Hosting

Whether you want to host a niche online store or a full blown international eCommerce site Vuvuhost is a great choice. We support all the popular eCommerce platforms such as Magento, OS Commerce, Zen Cart and VirtueMart. View Pricing